Using Grams, the Metric Unit for Weight eating for success math skills measurement Jul 07, 2022

Think about a gram for a moment.  Can you identify something that weighs one gram? Can you visualize the approximate size of something that would weigh a gram?  When you look at...

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Math With Peanut Butter and Jelly Bars eating for success fractions math skills measurement Jun 14, 2022

Now that school is over, my kids and I are busy going on adventures – berry picking, afternoons at the pool, and trips to the park.  We are always toting a cooler filled with snacks...

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Help Your Child Find Academic Success by Making Dinner eating for success Apr 29, 2022

A few months ago I read an article about how cereal sales are down because Millennials aren’t eating cereal.  The reason? They don’t want to wash the bowl.

Wow!  This article...

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Little Known Effects of Sugar eating for success Apr 29, 2022




Spaghetti Sauce.

Granola Bars.

Peanut Butter.

These are all foods we eat regularly. What do all of they all have in common? Sugar. Even items that we think of as healthy,...

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