Books About Explaining Your Ideas and Listening to Others math picture books math practices parenting for success Mar 22, 2024

I met with a group of librarians this week and we talked about Math Practice #3 – “Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.”  We had such a...

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Books About Persevering and Trying Multiple Methods math picture books math practices parenting for success Jan 04, 2024

This started out as a post about picture books that include Math Practice #1 (Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.) but it turned out that it is also a post about books that...

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Perseverance-Step by Step math practices parenting for success Sep 05, 2023

When my daughter was 8 years old. We hiked 23 miles in one day.  Two years later we did it again.

 One of her teachers had created this hike as a fundraiser.  Each year she invited...

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